Saturday, November 8, 2014


Last night I woke up to a cry about 4 in the morning. It was the kind you hear when your toddler wets the bed. Going in to her room I saw her climbing out of bed in the dark and coming towards me for a hug. She was wet, cold, crying and half asleep. I gave her a quick kiss, reminded her that everyone has accidents sometimes and began to strip the bed. Next I took off her wet pjs and went to look for a washcloth to wipe her down. Because I was also half asleep, it took me longer to get everything back in order in the room and I ended up making the bed before dressing the poor girl. So, I look over while pulling up the blanket on the bed and see her sitting on the floor on her knees, looking at the ground, completely naked. And I thought to myself, that's me.

If you've ever had a toddler, you most likely have experienced some delighted squeals and runs through the house right before or after an evening bath. Oh the joy of being naked and free! It's so much fun to be a parent and to see that happiness on your kid's face with such a simple pleasure. I've often thought, "oh if we were all that free." Now, I can take you back to the garden of Eden and recount why people ended up in leaves/ animal skins and clothes today. Perhaps you've heard it's because of our sin and the awareness that creates shame and leads us to covering ourselves. I know that when you first hold a baby in your arms and stare at them in a love struck gaze it's easy to think they're perfect and that they could do no wrong. Then you're awake at 2 am on day one and realize earth is not heaven and that we'll have some years of growing together! So, now that I have a two year old I am fully conscious of the words, obedience, respect, kindness, patience, self control, and wait. Sometimes it's actions on the opposite end of the spectrum that have me praying that my babe would learn them sooner rather than later.

So, I saw her sitting there without anything to cover her and remembered that there is nothing that can cover me in God's eyes. He sees me. There is no deceiving God. I have a lot more years under my belt and still have not conquered this obedience, respect, kindness, patience, and self control. And just like I picked her up and drew her close to warm her little body, the Lord covers me, he cleanses me and me makes me new. I need him every hour. "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." (Colossians 3:12,14)

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