Saturday, November 8, 2014

Puppy love

At one point my family had a dog named Darby. I could wax eloquently about her greatness but let's just say she was the first black lab I loved. Strangely enough, I married a man who had a dog almost identical to my childhood pet. They look so much alike that on one occasion I woke from a nap with Bodhi in my face and called him Darby...only it was fifteen years later. And now, I care more about my husband and kids' well being than my dog. Please don't hate me. I'm guilty of forgetting to get dog food at the store and have gone to bed more than one night with a dog next to me (on the ground of course) with a growling stomach. Whoops. To my defense, our dog is obsessed with my husband and will skip meals when he's not around. (Even if I remember to put food in his bowl). Actually, it's probably good for his health that his dad leaves every summer for Reserves duty so he can slim down; he is one of a few labs his age that doesn't need to worry about his weight.

But here's the thing, James loves this dog. When he had a seizure last fall, it was a really emotional night and I prayed nothing would happen to him. I know that someone might argue the money we spend on taking care of a domesticated animal could be better spent. But instead I remember Proverbs 12:10a, "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal." And I'm reminded that I am blessed to be married to a righteous man. Anyone can care for those that care for them, but what about those that go above and beyond and keep loving on the one who ate through the stair railing?

So today I'm thinking about how I need to remember to feed the dog, and saying thanks to God for giving me someone who thinks of others first. Righteousness, being upright in God's eyes, is a worthy desire for all of us seeking after Christ. True righteousness is the ongoing work of the Spirit. 

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