As I was changing big sister's diaper the other day she said, "let's talk mommy." Because she's two and learning a lot of words every day, I sometimes need to clarify what she's saying. "Let's talk?" I asked. "Yes. Let's talk." So I answered, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" And even though I asked it, I thought about all the possible topics we might talk about someday. In a split second I was hoping she'd return to me many times with that line. And within that same second, my heart came up into my throat and I got terribly nostalgic and sad thinking about my baby growing up and becoming a young woman that has things to talk about that I know nothing about. Now that she's with me almost all day every day, I know most things occurring in her little world and can translate what she's saying or think about what she wants to say or ask before it's even out of her mouth. That being said, she is an individual and has her own mind and caught me off guard. Ok, enough of my head conversation, she said, "talk about Jesus." "You want to talk about Jesus?" I asked. "Yes," said with a big nod and smile because she'd said it correctly and I understood. "Ok, let's talk about Jesus!" I was excited and then thought that I might have to reign that in later when a mom's excitement means a kid gets turned off to their original idea... oh well, I'm still cool now and I'm so excited that she's interested in Jesus.
So, we went to draw a picture of Jesus and I told the story I was illustrating with each image I put on the paper. We talked about the miraculous catch of fish that Jesus gave John and Peter. I was pretty excited with my little cartoon people and the way the fish in the net turned out. Except for Jesus, it's hard to do justice to him and not make him look too Western. Oh well, she doesn't understand cultural differences yet and loves everyone the same. As I finished my drawing and the story big sister asked for me to draw another boat. I thought about explaining how that wasn't a part of the story but decided against it and added the requested boat (this was probably more accurate anyhow). Then came the request for Daddy to be in the boat, and Mommy, and big sister, and baby brother, and our dog :) I didn't know they were all going to be in the boat so that was a little tricky. Our pup looks like a dachshund. Embarrassing. So, then big sister starts to explain that just like the men in the one boat got out and started to follow Jesus, she and everyone else in our boat would do the same. She used toddler talk of course, but she was clearly saying she would get out of the boat and follow Jesus. I had said that Mommy and Daddy followed Jesus when I was talking about the disciples and it must have made a little sense to her. It was a beautiful moment. I know she doesn't understand it all yet, but I want to have the faith to put myself in the Bible stories and to ask what they mean for me. I want to challenge myself to step out on faith more. I need to remember that getting out of the boat and following Jesus, fishing for men and not fish is of far greater value. Our livelihood comes from him alone. Life lessons learned by a babe. Thanks be to God. So, I'm writing this so I don't forget that day. Because, kids cry, throw food, kick you and then hug you and say they love you and it's hard to know what to do with all that. So, today what I'm knowing I need to do is is to have more "talks" with listening, and patience to hear how things connect for my littles.
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