Wednesday, July 30, 2014


"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

I believe it's in Pride and Prejudice that there is a line about American women being charming. In effect it says, "they're pretty because of their charm." I've thought about that line from time to time and it makes me like being an American woman. We're more confident and outgoing than is allowed in many other cultures. Being friendly and beautiful isn't to be hidden but is exalted. I would love for someone's descriptor of me to be "charming." Unfortunately, charm can also be used for personal gain. That gain can come in the form of praise. Wanting praise is a surefire way to recognize I'm seeking fulfillment in recognition, not humility. And, there we are, back to pride and the root of many things that get in the way of being like Jesus.

The first word I think of when it comes to Jesus is not, "charming." He is many things,  but his humility and selflessness give evidence to his sole purpose of loving God and loving people. He is so focused on fulfilling this that time is not wasted on appearances, physical or character wise. Enough about being charming, because loving others can also give you that recognition. I just know it's not what I'm supposed to strive for. Now, the thing David says to praise women for is fear of the Lord.  

I think the word fear here is misunderstood sometimes. I take it here to mean, "one who seeks holiness." God is so holy that to be in his presence with the wrong disposition is a dangerous thing. (Of course that should be elaborated on, but naptime only lasts so long...but, I would be full of fear if I was next to someone who knew everything about me and my heart was in the wrong place. This would be the fitting response, even as God is perfect love.) I don't have it all figured out and I'm not perfect, however, I can seek his holiness in me.

So, today's take away and prayer is short and sweet, "Lord, please make me more like you. Help me to not waste my energies striving after beauty and charm but rather, becoming more like you. And, in becoming more like you, teach me that it's all about grace and your love, and not about my efforts. I love you. Thank you for loving me first and giving me the Spirit to change me from the inside out."

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