Thursday, July 17, 2014

Don't forget to pray

You know why two year olds are great? Because they're trying to connect all the dots, and in their discovery of how the world works, they teach you things. We'll call my firstborn "big sister" because she has a little brother and because I'd rather not give her an online footprint outside of her control. (She can define herself online later.) Big sister knows that we pray before meals and at bedtime. When I was growing up I only remember praying before dinner, when we were all sitting down and eating together. Going to a Christian college, I was surrounded by people bowing their heads before breakfast, lunch and dinner. I realized this pk was not as spiritual as once believed. I learned a lot during college; one of the biggest lessons was my need for time with the Lord talking and listening in prayer.

So, big sister asks to pray sometimes ("pray mommy" said with urgency and her hand held out to hold) and it's usually when I've forgotten at a meal or at naptime. Since of course, it shouldn't just be limited to when you're going to bed at night. Silly me. I need to remember that I don't know it all and that there is a lot to learn from the people around me, including my children. Her prayers are also beautiful because primarily they're a time of thanksgiving to God and she is thankful for so many things. It warms my heart every time she says mommy, daddy and baby brother. She likes to list every family member and friend she has recently seen, talked to, or heard us talking of. She also likes to list everything in her current line of vision, like the truck, spoon, cheese, owl picture (that's Grandpa's house), etc. You know what's beautiful about that? She keeps her eyes open when she talks to God because she regards him as someone who is present. Well, that's what I like to think. It's hard to know how much her little two year old head can understand about God. It's probably pretty comparable in God's eyes to how we see him, because we can never fully grasp his fullness. I pray that I will make more time for God and not forget to pause more often and thank him for what he has given me. And, I pray that while two year olds like to drag out bedtime, I won't get impatient and try to rush the prayer part.

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